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SkillSPAN is the state action arm of National Skills Coalition. We’re the first and only national network of multi-stakeholder coalitions that develop and promote skills policies. We connect workforce experts and skills advocates across states, amplify their collective voice in state capitals, and inspire action at the federal level – all to help people get jobs that reflect their career aspirations, to help business find skilled workers, and help states build strong, inclusive economies. 

The Skills in the States Forum convenes state and local leaders from across the country who are working to bring skills training opportunities to more people through policy changes in their states to ensure an inclusive economy. 

Learn about new policy innovations and key workforce development issues in the states

Discuss strategies for moving policies forward in the states

Hear how partners across our state networks are organizing around skills policies that expand economic opportunity and racial equity for workers while boosting local businesses.

National Skills Coalition  fights for inclusive, high-quality skills training so that people have access to a better life, and local businesses see sustained growth. We engage in analysis and technical assistance, organizing, advocacy, and communications to improve state and federal skills policies.    


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